Interview with Greg “Kyronix” Havlusch at UO Forums

Greg Havlusch

Rupert Avery at UO Forums landed an interview with Greg “Kyronix” Havlusch, the associate designer for Ultima Online at Mythic.

The interview follows a fairly standard format — which I sometimes, in my mind, refer to as the “name, job, bye” format — and offers an interesting look at Kyronix’s beginnings as an Event Moderator, and his progression through the ranks from that point.

Here’s a sample:

What is your most memorable moment in UO?
This is a really tough question. As a player it has to be the liberation of Trinsic by Lord Dupre against the vile and twisted forces of Juo’Nar. That entire event cycle was boatloads of fun and my thief made a small fortune selling stolen silver weapons (Muwhahaha). As an EM the most memorable moment had to be when I accidentally gated the entirety of an event on Chesapeake to our super secret Green Acres house. My stomach started doing hoolah hoops and I thought I was going to vomit, I couldn’t believe that I’d done it. Luckily Mesanna was able to come rescue me and secure the location. Of course the rumor mill started churning and reports of the house being completely looted spread. Fortunately everything was in secure containers and the only unique item someone managed to pilfer was returned by an honest player. I thank them for that and hope they enjoy the keys to my house 😉

Click on through to read the whole thing.

(Image Credit: Divers Two. And yes, I’m pretty sure that’s a picture of Kyronix.)

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1 Response

  1. Rupert Avery says:

    Great Picture of him 🙂

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