15th Anniversary UO Puzzle Key, Lithograph for Sale
The final puzzle pieces have been released, and as suspected, you can purchase a larger version of a print commemorating Ultima Online’s history as a lithograph.
Note: This was a group effort between several people!
(clicking on the image below will take you to a larger version)
Let it be known that the above may not be fully accurate, based on the fact that some things were based on in-game artwork, and some things based on concept artwork, and in-game and concept do not always match up, not to mention that some CC and EC artwork are quite different. The Lord Blackthorn I have labeled at the top could just be a human in bone armor, while the Betrayer on the left side of the image could be the steampunk Lord Blackthorn himself. The Impaler is a little hazy as well.
If you’d like a 1920×1280 wallpaper, then you probably should wait until EA releases once, because clicking on the image below will take you to an image that was blown up over 200% and it’s therefore fuzzy/grainy.
If you have $65 handy, you can pick up a nice 24″ x 36″ (61 cm x 91cm) lithograph in the BioWare store. You can also pick up an $18 UO 15th Anniversary T-Shirt.
2 Responses
[…] final pieces of the 15th anniversary Ultima Online puzzle have been released, and as suspected, you can purchase a larger version of the print commemorating Ultima Online’s […]
[…] The final Ultima Online puzzle pieces have been released, and as suspected, you can purchase a large print of the puzzle commemorating Ultima Online’s history as a lithograph. uo.ultimacodex.co… […]